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U.S. M18 "Hell-Cat" Tank Destroyer, 811TD, with Crewman, Germany 1945
W. Britain
Item Number: 25225
"Welcome to Bastogne"--101st Airborne 327th Glider Infantry--three…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25290
"Hard Road to Travel"--Confederate Infantrymen in Frock Coat Marching…
W. Britain
Item Number: 31500
Confederate Infantry Corporal in Frock Coat Marching--single marching…
W. Britain
Item Number: 31499
Confederate Infantry Drummer in Frock Coat Marching--single marching…
W. Britain
Item Number: 31498
Confederate in Frock Coat Marching with State of Virginia…
W. Britain
Item Number: 31491
Union 146th New York Zouave with Regimental Colors--single figure…
W. Britain
Item Number: 31323
Lt. Ronald Speirs Running with Thompson, U.S. 101st Airborne, 506th…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25151
German Waffen SS Grenadier Advancing with K98, 1941-45--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25131
Waffen SS Grenadier Advancing Cautiously, 1942-45--single kneeling…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25130
French Royal Deux-Ponts Ensign with Color, 1781--single figure with…
W. Britain
Item Number: 16188
French Royal Deux-Ponts Officer, 1781--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 16186
442nd Regimental Combat Team Enlisted Man, 1944-45--single Nisei…
W. Britain
Item Number: 10203
Alfred The Great, Anglo-Saxon King, 886--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 10201
George Washington, Virginia Regiment, 1755-59--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 10200
10th Royal Veteran Battalion, 1812--single Canadian infantryman figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 10198
Colonel Henry Dodge, 1st U.S. Dragoons, 1834--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 10197
New Orleans Greays at the Alamo, 1836--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 10196
General George Washington Mounted, 1775-80--single mounted figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 16208
Union General U.S. Grant, Mounted--single mounted figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 31456
British 43rd Regiment of Foot Company Officer, Standing, 1780--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 16207
British 43rd Regiment of Foot Drummer Standing, 1780--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 16206
British 43rd Regiment of Foot Casualty, 1780--single prone figure…
W. Britain
Item Number: 16205
British 43rd Regiment of Foot Casualty Falling, 1780--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 16205
British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Sergeant with Halberd, 1780--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 16203
British 43rd Regiment of Foot Defending, 1780--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 16202
British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Ramming Cartridge, 1780--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 16199
British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Tear Cartridge, 1780--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 16198
British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Handle Cartridge, 1780--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 16156
British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Make Ready, 1780--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 16155
British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Standing Firing, 1780--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 16154
Yoke of Oxen--two oxen figures on single scenic base
W. Britain
Item Number: 35054
M3A1 Half-track Stowage Kit, Campaign Miniatures--1/30 Scale Resin…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70007
U.S. Infantry in Raincoat Walking, 1943-45 Kit--1/30 Scale Resin and…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70041
U.S. Infantryman in Raincoat Pointing, 1943-45 Kit--1/30 Scale Resin…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70040
U.S. Infantry in Raincoat Standing with M1 on Hip, 1943-45 Kit--1/30…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70039
U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Winter 1944-45 Kit--1/30 Scale…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70038
George H. W. Bush, U.S. Navy, 1944 Kit--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70037
Princess Elizabeth in ATS Uniform, 1944-45 Kit--1/30 Scale Resin and…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70036
French General Marquis de Montcalm Kit--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70035
British General Wolfe, 1759 Kit--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70034
U.S.N. Sailor in Whites with Seabag and Hammock, 1920-41 Kit--1/30…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70033
British King Charles I Kit--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70032
"A Gentleman Listens", Gentleman Standing with Chair, 1770-85--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 35056
"Suppressing Fire" 101st Airborne Machine Gun Team Firing .30Cal…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25240
Hessian Regiment von Donop, Ramming Cartridge--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 16191
Hessian Regiment von Donop, Reaching for Cartridge--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 16190
French Royal Deux-Ponts Standing Reaching for Cartridge--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 16184
French Royal Deux-Ponts Standing Tearing Cartridge--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 16183
French Royal Deux-Ponts Standing Defending--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 16182
“Fiddlin’ Away the Time”--Man with Fiddle, 1795-1825--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 35055
Hessian Regiment von Donop, Tearing Cartridge--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 16189
French Royal Deux-Ponts Standing Make Ready--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 16185
U.S. Marine Eugene Sledge, 1942-45 (Author of With the Old Breed: At…
W. Britain
Item Number: 13095
"Tending the Crops"--Farmer Hoeing, 1770-1820--single figure and…
W. Britain
Item Number: 35057
"Grandpa’s Little Gift"--Grandpa and Grandson with Hobby Horse,…
W. Britain
Item Number: 35053
Confederate General Lee’s Headquarters Flag, Mounted Flagbearer,…
W. Britain
Item Number: 31453
U.S. Infantryman Prone Loading M1 Garand, 1943-45--single prone figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 25288
U.S. Infantry BAR Man Standing Alert, 1942-45--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 25280
U.S. Infantryman Walking with SCR-536--single standing figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 25248
U.S. Infantry NCO with Thompson Shouting, 1943-45--single standing…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25245
U.S. Infantryman with Panzerfaust, 1944-45--single standing figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 25241
German Grenadier in Greatcoat Prone Throwing Grenade, 1942-45--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25167
U.S. Infantryman Walking, Winter 1944-45--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 25154
Art of War--Private Standing Firing, French Royal Deux-Ponts…
W. Britain
Item Number: 16175
British Royal Marine Drummer, 1805-16--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 13091
Phillis Wheatley, American Author and Poet--single seated figure with…
W. Britain
Item Number: 10177
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Male Trooper on Horseback--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 10174
German Luftwaffe Bomber Pilot Kit--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70031
RAF Bomber Pilot, 1940-45 Kit--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70030
U.S.A.A.F. Co-pilot, 1942-45 Kit--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70029
U.S.A.A.F Bomber Pilot, 1943-45 Kit--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70028
U.S. General George S. Patton, Winter, 1944-45 Kit--1/30 Scale Resin…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70027
Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, WWI Kit--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70026
Manfred Von Richthofen (The Red Baron), WWI Kit--1/30 Scale Resin and…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70025
U.S. General Douglas MacArthur, 1945 Kit--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70024
U.S.N. Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, 1944-45 Kit--1/30 Scale Resin and…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70023
Theodore Roosevelt, Cuba, 1898 Kit--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70022
Winston Churchill, Sudan, 1898 Kit--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70021
“You Are Really Not Helping!”--Woman Hanging Quilt with Playful…
W. Britain
Item Number: 35039
Confederate General Robert E. Lee, Mounted--single mounted figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 31451
Union Cavalry Trooper at the Trot, No.1--single mounted figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 31439
U.S. Infantryman with Grenade Launcher, 1944-45--single figure with…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25305
“Walking Beats Gliders”--101st Airborne Glider Infantry,…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25283
U.S. Infantryman with M1 Garand, 1944-45--single standing figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 25242
“Displacing”--U.S. 101st Airborne M1919 Machine Gun Crew--two…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25238
U.S. Infantryman Kneeling with .30 Cal. Ammo Can, 1942-45--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25156
U.S.A.A.F. Ball Turret Gunner, 1943-45--single crouching figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 10133
“Vivian with Clean Linens” Woman with Laundry, 1855-68--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 35051
“Mary with Fresh Strawberries” Late 18th Century Woman with…
W. Britain
Item Number: 35050
German Grenadier in Greatcoat Kneeling, No.2, 1943-45--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 25236
German Grenadier in Greatcoat Kneeling Looking Up, 1943-45--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25235
German Grenadier Running in Greatcoat With Spare MG 42 Barrel,…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25234
German Grenadier Running in Greatcoat with MG 42, 1942-45--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25233
German Grenadier NCO Running in Greatcoat With MP 40, 1941-45--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25232
German Grenadier Running in Greatcoat with Karabiner 98K,…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25231
Art of War- Art of Don Troiani: French Fusilier Regiment Berry,…
W. Britain
Item Number: 16201
Art of War- Art of Don Troiani: Rogers’ Rangers Private,…
W. Britain
Item Number: 16200
Art of War--Art of Don Troiani: Hessian Leib Infantry Regiment…
W. Britain
Item Number: 16178
U.S. M18 Tank Destroyer, 705th TD, with Crew, Ardennes 1944-45
W. Britain
Item Number: 25224
Art of War: Shawnee Indian Warrior, 1750-80, Art of Don…
W. Britain
Item Number: 16174
Art of War: Grenadier Brunswick Regiment, von Riedesel, 1777, Art of…
W. Britain
Item Number: 16176
Art of War: Oneida Warrior, 1777, Art of Don Troiani--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 16173
"The New Trade Coat", Native Warrior with European Trade Coat--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 16170
"Fresh Tracks", Native Warrior Checking Trail--single crouching…
W. Britain
Item Number: 16171
British General Isaac Brock, 1812--single standing figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 10148
M3A1 Half-track 9th Armored 27th Infantry, B Company--13 piece set
W. Britain
Item Number: 25132
RAF Fighter Pilot, 1940-45--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70018
Luftwaffe Fighter Pilot, 1939-45--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70019
U.S. Army Tanker in Overalls, 1942-45--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70020
U.S.A.A.F. Tuskegee Airman, 1943-45--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70017
U.S.A.A.F. Fighter Pilot, 1943-45--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70016
U.S.A.A.F. Heavy Bomber Gunner, 1943-45--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70015
U.S.A.A.F. Heavy Bomber Crewman, 1943-45--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70014
U.S.A.A.F. Bombardier, 1943-45--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70013
U.S.A.A.F. Navigator, 1943-45--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70012
Napoleon Bonaparte on Foot--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70011
Napoleon Bonaparte Mounted--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70010
U.S. M3A1 Half-Track--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit; Unpainted,…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70002
U.S. M4A3(76) Sherman Tank--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70004
U.S. GMC M10 Tank Destroyer--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70006
The Sherman M4A3 Medium Tank--1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit;…
W. Britain
Item Number: 70001
U.S. Infantry NCO with Thompson, 1943-45--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 25273
"Slogging Along", Two U.S. Infantrymen Marching, 1943-45--two…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25272
German Waffen SS Grenadier Directing Movement, 1941-45--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 25267
German Grenadier Kneeling Firing MP40 in Zeltbahn and Greatcoat,…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25277
German Grenadier Standing with StG 44, Winter 1944-45--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 25275
German Grenadier in Greatcoat and Zeltbahn Advancing Cautiously,…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25274
German Waffen SS Grenadier Standing with Helmet Off, 1941-45--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25266
German Grenadier Kneeling with Panzerfaust in Zeltbahn and Greatcoat,…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25276
German Waffen SS in Kharkov Parka Getting up to Move, 1942-45--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25262
"Panzerknacker", German Grenadier Waiting with Panzerfaust,…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25157
"Kaiserbaracke Crossroads", Type 166 Schwimmwagen, 1st SS, Ardennes,…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25203
M3A1 Half-track 9th Armored 27th Infantry, A Company--13 piece…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25092
"Here, Chick, Chick, Chick", Amy Feeding Chickens, with Chicken…
W. Britain
Item Number: 35037
“Ruth”, Young Woman in Day Dress with Parasol, 1855-68--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 35040
"Along the Deer Trail", Native Warrior Walking--single figure walking…
W. Britain
Item Number: 16172
Barrels, 18th-20th Century Wet and Dry Cooperage--12 barrels
W. Britain
Item Number: 53037
Farm Tools, 18th-19th Century, Set No.2--thirteen pieces
W. Britain
Item Number: 53038
Farm Tools, 18th-19th Century, Set No.1--thirteen pieces
W. Britain
Item Number: 53028
French Imperial Guard with Eagle of the 1st Regiment of Imperial…
W. Britain
Item Number: 36205
“Going to Market”, Mid 19th-20th Century Cart with Produce--eight…
W. Britain
Item Number: 53026
Napoleon Bonaparte in Greatcoat, 1812-15--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 36220
“Vive L’Empereur!” Single Cheering French Imperial…
W. Britain
Item Number: 36221
Confederate Texas Brigade Standing Firing No.2--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 31237
Confederate Texas Brigade Falling Back Wounded No.1--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 31179
442nd Infantry Regiment, U.S. Infantryman, 1943-45--single walking…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25279
“I Don’t Mind Chopping Wood”, Virgil Caine with Axe,…
W. Britain
Item Number: 35049
“Mr. Darcy” Listens Intently, 1800-15--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 35048
U.S.N. Commander Richard Nixon, 1944-45--single standing figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 10170
U.S.N Lieutenant Jimmy Carter, 1948-51--single standing figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 10169
U.S.N. Commander Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1942-45--single standing…
W. Britain
Item Number: 10168
U.S.N. Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, 1944-45--single standing figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 10167
U.S. General Douglas MacArthur, 1945--single standing figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 10166
Clara Barton, American Civil War Nurse and Founder of the American…
W. Britain
Item Number: 10152
Continental Line/1st American Regiment Company Officer Advancing with…
W. Britain
Item Number: 16169
43rd Regiment of Foot Battalion Coy Marching at Support, 1780--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 16168
German Grenadier Walking with Ammo Can, 1941-45--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 25229
U.S.A.A.F. Heavy Bomber Crewman, 1942-45--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 10175
Confederate Casualty, No.3--single prone figure, two hats, two muskets
W. Britain
Item Number: 31485
"Preparing for Action, No.2"--Two Members of a German 88 Flak…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25223
"Preparing for Action, No.1"--Two Members of a German 88 Flak…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25222
"Surveying the Field"--Three Members of a German 88 Flak Gun--three…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25221
German Waffen SS Officer in Greatcoat and Smock, 1941-45--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25268
"Heading up the Line"--Two U.S. Infantry Marching in Greatcoats,…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25263
U.S. Infantry in Raincoat Standing with M1 on Hip, 1943-45--single…
W. Britain
Item Number: 25237
U.S. Armored Infantry Company Officer with M1 Carbine--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 25271
U.S. Infantryman Standing with Raincoat over Equipment--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 25257
Bestanden, Saxon Defending with Sword and Shield--single figure
W. Britain
Item Number: 62144