Thomas Gunn Miniatures

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Afrika Korps
German Luftwaffe
WWII British Army
Berlin 1938 series
Home Front
Spring 1945
American Airborne
WWI - Lawrence of Arabia
WWI - Great War
WWII Soviet
Zulu War
WWI--French Foreign Legion
Ancient Collection: Ancient Britons and Celts
WWII Japanese Army
Scramble for Africa
Club Figures
French & Indian War
Mexican Adventure--French Foreign Legion
WWII Allies in the Pacific
The Glory That Was Rome!
WWII Kriegsmarine
Scots Guards
Ancient Persian Forces
WWII Aeronauts
Roman Byzantines
Rome's Enemies
Napoleonic Wars: Russian Pavlovski Grenadiers
Modern (Post WWII)
The Vietnam War
WWII--Italian Forces
Victorian Wars (Boer War)
Great War: 1st (Emperor Alexander) Guards Grenadier Regiment
Scenic Mats
Korean War 1950-1953
Myths, Legends, and Biblical (MLB)
Train Crewmen
Golf: The Game That Never Happened
First Indochina War (December 19, 1946 - July 20, 1954)
Advancing Egyptian Marine with Spear Lowered with Red/Yellow Striped…
Thomas Gunn Miniatures
Item Number: XE008C
Advancing Egyptian Marine with Spear Resting on Shoulder and Brown…
Thomas Gunn Miniatures
Item Number: XE009A
Advancing Egyptian Marine with Spear Resting on Shoulder and…
Thomas Gunn Miniatures
Item Number: XE009C
Advancing Egyptian Marine with Spear Resting on Shoulder and…
Thomas Gunn Miniatures
Item Number: XE009B
Fallen Persian Immortal with Head Wound (green/yellow shield)--single…
Thomas Gunn Miniatures
Item Number: XE013A
Fallen Persian Immortal with Head Wound (red/yellow shield)—single…
Thomas Gunn Miniatures
Item Number: XE013C
Fallen Persian Immortal with Head Wound (silver round…
Thomas Gunn Miniatures
Item Number: XE013B
Immortal Throwing Spear (Rams Head Shield)--Single…
Thomas Gunn Miniatures
Item Number: XE019C
Immortal Throwing Spear (Silver Shield)--Single Figure--RETIRED--LAST…
Thomas Gunn Miniatures
Item Number: XE019A
Persian Immortal (Oval Rams Head Shield)--single…
Thomas Gunn Miniatures
Item Number: XE021C
Persian Immortal (Silver Round Shield)--single figure--RETIRED--LAST…
Thomas Gunn Miniatures
Item Number: XE021B
Persian Immortal Kicking Shield (silver shield featuring four…
Thomas Gunn Miniatures
Item Number: XE015A
Persian Immortal Shouting (Circular Silver Shield)--single…
Thomas Gunn Miniatures
Item Number: XE022B
Persian Immortal Shouting (Oval Rams Head Shield)--single…
Thomas Gunn Miniatures
Item Number: XE022A
Persian Immortal Surveying (Bronze Round Shield)--Single…
Thomas Gunn Miniatures
Item Number: XE020A
Persian Immortal Surveying (Silver Round Shield)--Single…
Thomas Gunn Miniatures
Item Number: XE020C
Persian Immortal Throwing Spear (green/yellow shield)--single…
Thomas Gunn Miniatures
Item Number: XE014B
Persian Immortal Throwing Spear (long red/yellow…
Thomas Gunn Miniatures
Item Number: XE014A
Running Persian Immortal with Shield Above Head (circular brass…
Thomas Gunn Miniatures
Item Number: XE017B