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Confederate Cavalry Officer (grey uniform, tan horse), Cavalry…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: CSBS-05B
Confederate Cavalry Officer (tan uniform, dark brown horse), Cavalry…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: CSBS-05A
Officer with Map of Virginia, Union Cavalry Corps, The Army of the…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: USBS-25
Mounted Infantry (sword raised straight up to right), Eschowe Relief…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: GGMI-06
Four Highlanders At the Ready (2 standing, 2 kneeling), 91st Regiment…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: GG91-11N
Two Highlanders At the Ready (standing, kneeling), 91st Regiment…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: GG91-11
Sergeant Ready to Fire Rifle, 91st Regiment (Princess Louise's Argyll…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: GG91-10
Infantryman Supporting Wounded Trooper, 3rd Battalion 60th King's…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: GG60-04
Nine Infantrymen (six standing firing, three kneeling firing),…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: WFLAL-05N
Three Infantrymen (two standing firing, one kneeling firing), Lally's…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: WFLAL-05
Standard Bearer, 79th (Draper's) Regiment of Foot, The British Army,…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: WB79-02
Four British Marine Casualties (2 standing shot; 2 on hands & knees),…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: MBHL-16N
Two British Marine Casualties (standing shot; on hands & knees),…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: MBHL-16
Four Minutemen (2 walking, musket in right hand; 2 walking holding…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: ABHL-09N
Two Minutemen (walking, musket in right hand (green coat); walking…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: ABHL-09B
Two Minutemen (walking, musket in right hand (brown coat); walking…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: ABHL-09A
“Striking Out!”, The Gold Rush--two miner figures (standing with…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: WSP-123
Germanic Standard Bearer, Germanic Warriors, Armies and Enemies of…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: AG-17
Four Celtibarian Scutarius (2 in red tunics, 2 in white tunics), The…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: CTIB-04N
Celtibarian Scutarii (red tunic), The Carthaginians, The Battle of…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: CTIB-4B
Celtibarian Scutarii (white tunic), The Carthaginians, The Battle of…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: CTIB-04A
Three Kardake Light Infantry (yellow & blue tunic, purple shield),…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: AP-22BN
Three Kardake Light Infantry (orange & blue tunic, green shield), The…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: AP-22AN
Kardake Light Infantry (yellow & blue tunic, purple shield), The…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: AP-22B
Kardake Light Infantry (orange & blue tunic, green shield), The…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: AP-22A
The Sherden, Pharaoh's Bodyguard (2 ready to swing horizontally at…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: NKE-32N
The Sherden, Pharaoh's Bodyguard (ready to swing horizontally at neck…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: NKE-32
Three Colla Warriors with Spinning Bolas (tunic with wide, vertical…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: INCA-17BN
Three Colla Warriors with Spinning Bolas (tunic with wide, vertical…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: INCA-17AN
Colla Warrior with Spinning Bolas (tunic with wide, vertical blue &…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: INCA-17B
Colla Warrior with Spinning Bolas (tunic with wide, vertical red &…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: INCA-17A
Mongol Archer Ready to Loose, The Mongol Invasions of Japan, 1274 and…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: MIJ-05
Officer with Sword Pointed Forward (blue blanket with red stripes,…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: USBS2-05
Officer with Sword Pointed Forward (blue blanket with yellow…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: USBS-05
Officer with Binoculars, Union Cavalry Corps, The Army of the…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: USBS-24
Mounted Infantry (sword raised to attack), Eschowe Relief Column,…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: GGMI-05
Four British Infantry Highlanders (2 standing ready, 2 kneeling…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: GG91-08N
Two British Infantry Highlanders (standing ready, kneeling reaching…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: GG91-08
Shouting Sergeant with Rifle, 3rd Battalion 60th King's Royal Rifle…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: GG60-02
Drummer, Lally's (Irish) Regiment, The French Army, The Battle of…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: WFLAL-03
Officer, Lally's (Irish) Regiment, The French Army, The Battle of…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: WFLAL-01
Four Infantryman (2 standing firing, 2 kneeling firing), 84th…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: WB84-08N
Two Infantryman (standing firing, kneeling firing), 84th (Coote's)…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: WB84-08
Four British Marine Casualties (2 falling, 2 prone), British Marines,…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: MBHL-15N
Two British Marine Casualties (falling, prone), British Marines, The…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: MBHL-15
The Death of Major John Pitcairn, British Marines, The Assault on the…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: MBHL-01
Four Minutemen (2 standing firing, 2 standing ramming), The American…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: ABHL-08N
Two Minutemen (standing firing (blue coat), standing ramming (tan…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: ABHL-08B
Two Minutemen (standing firing (green coat), standing ramming (brown…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: ABHL-08A
Colonel William Prescott, The American Army, The Assault on the…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: ABHL-01
“The Lucky Strike”, The Gold Rush--two miner figures (standing…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: WSP-122
Germanic Warrior Woman, Germanic Warriors, Armies and Enemies of…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: AG-16
Four Celtibarian Scutarii (2 with red tunics, 2 with white tunics),…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: CTIB-03N
Celtibarian Scutarii (red tunic), The Carthaginians, The Battle of…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: CTIB-03B
Celtibarian Scutarii (white tunic), The Carthaginians, The Battle of…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: CTIB-03A
Kardake Light Infantry (green & red tunic, red shield), The…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: AP-27B
Three Kardake Light Infantrymen (green & red tunic, red shield), The…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: AP-27BN
Three Kardake Light Infantrymen (yellow & blue tunic, purple shield),…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: AP-27AN
Kardake Light Infantry (yellow & blue tunic, purple shield), The…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: AP-27A
Libyan Mercenary, The Battle of Kadesh, 1274 BCE, New Kingdom…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: NKE-23
The Sherden, Pharaoh's Bodyguard (2 with sword pointed up, 2 with…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: NKE-31N
The Sherden, Pharaoh's Bodyguard (sword pointed up, sword pointed…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: NKE-31
Four Colla Warriors with Bolas, The Inca Empire, The Conquest of…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: INCA-16N
Colla Warrior with Bolas (tunic with wide, vertical blue & white…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: INCA-16B
Colla Warrior with Bolas (tunic with wide, vertical red & white…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: INCA-16A
Celtibarian Scutari (black, red, & pink shield), The Carthaginians,…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: CTIB-01B
Celtibarian Scutari (cream, gold, & black shield), The Carthaginians,…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: CTIB-01A
Four Infantrymen (2 standing firing, 2 kneeling firing), 3rd…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: GG60-03N
Two Infantrymen (standing firing, kneeling firing), 3rd Battalion…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: GG60-03
Macedonian Hypaspist (white star markings on red shield), The…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: MAC-24B
Four British Marines Marching, The Assault on the Redoubt at Breeds…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: MBHL-05N
Two British Marines Marching, The Assault on the Redoubt at Breeds…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: MBHL-05
Balearic Slingers, The Carthaginians, The Battle of Zama, 202 BCE,…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: CTSK-04
Details Out of Stock
Two Artillery Crewmen, Confederate Artillery, The American Civil War,…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: CSART-19
Four Troopers, 7th Regiment of Foot (Royal Fusiliers), The British…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: CW7FL-05N
Details Out of Stock
Two Troopers, 7th Regiment of Foot (Royal Fusiliers), The British…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: CW7FL-05
Samurai Retainer (black armor & helmet, light blue clothes, naganata…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: GMP-22TB
Samurai Retainer (black armor & helmet, purple clothes, naganata…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: GMP-22TA
Two Artillery Crewmen, Confederate Artillery, The American Civil War,…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: CSART-18
Three Korean Auxillary Archers Leaning Nocking Arrows (tan armor),…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: MIJ-16AN
Four Infantrymen (2 kneeling hand on ground, 2 standing looking…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: DAM-31N
Kneeling Firing Greek Archer (white skirt with blue trim), The…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: TWG-37
Horse for Carts or Wagons (tan colored, left leg forward), The…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: BAL-11
Achilles, The Greeks, The Trojan War, The Trojan War--single figure…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: TWG-03
Brigadier General Barnard Elliot Bee, Jr., The Army of the Shenadoah,…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: CSBEE
Wounded Archers, The Retinue of Sir Thomas Howard of Ashwell Thorpe,…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: THYORK-05
Viking Svinfylking Warrior Charging (red shield with coiled yellow…
John Jenkins Designs
Item Number: VIK-16A