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John Jenkins Designs July Releases

July 2, 2014

DEALER NEWSLETTER JULY 2014 THE GREAT WAR 1914-1918 GWB-07  Everyone should now be familiar with the Mark V tank. For those collectors who cannot make their mind up whether to buy the Male or the Female tank….  Now their choice will be a little easier with the third variant, the Composite Mark V tank. GWB-24 Please note that these figures are not attached to the bases. This means thet can be displayed on the models, without the bases, or alongside other figures with the bases. GWF23  Another set of French Infantry returning from their time at the front lines. Next month there will be a preview of the next 6 French Infantry figures, which will build on this theme. THE KNIGHTS OF THE SKIES  BGC-18 The first set of two figures designed to be pushing or pulling an allied plane into cover or out onto the airfield to prepare for take-off. There will be a second set of two figures also pushing. BGC-20 A chaplain figure, ideal to add to the airfield display, waits with the flight roster to help any returned wounded pilots. THE JACOBITE REBELLION 1745  BJ-11 - A sergeant with his halberd levelled horizontally, probably with the intention of straightening out, or holding fast the British line, which historically broke and ran at Culloden.  THE PENINSULAR WAR PBART-04 Two British Artillery crew figures Loading. These can either be used for the Peninsular War, for Waterloo, or for the War Of 1812. There are still 4-5 more British Artillery crew figures on the Workbench.