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Napoleonic Prussian Death's Head Hussars--14 figures in 7poses & 14 horses in 5 horse poses--TWO IN STOCK.

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Waterloo 1815

Item Number: AP032

Napoleonic Prussian Death's Head Hussars

Date Released:  2008
Contents:  14 figures in 7poses & 14 horses in 5 horse poses
Material:  plastic (medium constistency)
Color:  light tan
Average Height:  24.5 mm (= 1.77 m)

The Prussian 5th Regiment of Hussars (von Prittwitz) had long worn the death's head Totenkopf badge by the time their country faced Napoleon at Jena in 1806.  The crushing defeat of that year and the subsequent reorganisation of the army saw the regiment split into two - the 1st and 2nd Life (Leib) Hussars - in 1808.  Both continued to wear the Totenkopf through to 1815 (although neither participated in the Battle of Waterloo).